Today's adventure started out at 9:30am. I got up around 8:00am, stumbled around for about thirty minutes, made some coffee, got the bird food ready to take downstairs, took a shower, got dressed and headed downstairs to see who would like their picture taken? I heard numerous different birds as I spilled the food on our platform feeder; Red Winged Blackbirds, a Red Bellied Woodpecker, a Northern Cardinal, and a few that I think were Titmice.

I got a quick glimpse of a shadow on the ground and suddenly, all was silent. It was deafening! In one moment there were approximately 100 or so birds sitting in front of me, stock still and not making a sound, when a few seconds before their songs filled the trees and surrounding area. I scanned the sky for the shadow maker and never did find it. After a wait of about 40 minutes, I gave up and came inside.
At about 2:00pm I again decided to try my photographic luck, so outback I went. I'd noticed as I was getting up to get a second batch of birdseed ready that there was a raccoon on the feeder. Note: Though raccoons are pretty cool animals, this activity will put a damper on my bird feeding/picture taking excursion.

As if a switch was clicked, the chipping, chirping and chortling started. It seemed louder than ever before. A Gray Catbird came to the feeder for a quick bite, (I think a pumpkin seed), and then left to not return. The Red Bellied Woodpecker came almost out of nowhere, grabbed a peanut and flew to his usual tree knot to pound it open. This activity happened three times and every time it was, land, get a peanut and fly away.
My usual backyard birds were, all in all, very cooperative today. Here are a few photographs. Enjoy...