Hello All...

Yesterday and today were great photography days! I went to the Apopka Wildlife Drive, (yesterday late afternoon and today early afternoon), and had an amazing photography day!!
The beginning of the drive is quite uneventful. The dirt road was very dry, causing dust to come up from every car and with the wind blowing about 10-15 mph, it was quite the dusty adventure.

I took numerous photographs along the way. There were many different herons; Green, Great Blue and Snowy, along with many American Coots and Common Moorhens. Those pictures don't excite me as much as they used to, but I still cannot pass up a posing subject.

My favorite find of the two days was a Least Bittern. This bird is normally found deep in the cattails with it's neck stretched to the sky, faux swaying to simulate wind. It's rare to find one walking about searching for morsels of food, albeit fish or mussels or bugs.
All in all it was an awesome photography day, capped off by an Anhinga with a freshly caught fish, (I think some sort of catfish).
I did see a large male Otter, but it retreated back into the brush before I could take it's picture. Perhaps next time....