I can't seem to be consistent when it comes to this blog. I'm trying to be. Really!

With that being said, the first Barn Swallow clutch has left the nest and are now flying around collecting food for their younger siblings (2nd clutch). The babies of the 2nd clutch were born about 6/25/2020 and are now about to fledge on their own (approximately 2-5 days from now). The babies (four), of this clutch were much more vocal than their previous siblings. I noticed that Mom was almost immediately on the nest after the first clutch left. She and Dad cleaned the nest and spruced it up a bit for about 4-5 days. She then laid her eggs and spent most all of the time sitting on them. Here's a photograph of the babies when they were about 2-4 days old.
They grew fast. I tried to take photographs daily, but forgot a few days. Here are the babies yesterday. They will fledge soon. Hopefully, Mom will again have one more clutch this summer. If not, it's truly been a pleasure watching the 'kids' grow up.

Changing the subject; the feeders out back are about the way I want them. They continue to evolve in their positioning and content. (See photograph). There are House Finches (female in photo), continually throughout the day. They seem to prefer black oil sunflower seeds and hulled sunflowers over millet and thistle.
My hummingbirds also continue to visit and today Dad brought a baby with him to feed. The baby didn't eat, but Dad did while continually talking to him with chips and chirps.
More soon......promise.