Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Different Kind of "Bird"

Due to the fact that I spent most of yesterday taking pictures of butterflies, I thought I would continue the same theme today and take pictures of creepy, crawly beasties out behind our apartment.  It proved to be a good plan because the birds were clearly not in the cooperative mood, as only a sparse Red Winged Blackbird and Blue Jay decided to stop by for a nibble.

The woods out back is a virtual haven for many insect species.  There are mosquitos a plenty, (especially during the rainy season), along with beetles, (not Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr, that was for you older people) and many butterflies and dragonflies.  I quickly scoped the area and saw numerous wild flowers abuzz with insects.  The lighting was such that I could easily get pictures of the bees, dragonflies and butterflies in flight, but I decided to not work that hard, and to rather concentrate on the lighting and agreeable ones.

The dragonflies seemed to be everywhere and I was amazed that there were so many different colors.  There were red ones and blue ones and even an orange one or two, flitting here and darting there.  Here are a few pictures of the one that seemed to want his/her picture taken.


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