Thursday, January 10, 2013

The First Post of 2013

Hello people!

This year I'm going to try and be more diligent in posting to this blog.  I thought I did a pretty good job last year, but looking back there were large gaps in the posts and that's probably why only two of you follow me, (and one is my sister).  Going forward I will do my best to post at least once every couple of weeks.

This being the first post of the new year, it's only fitting that it was a GREAT day in the backyard birding extravaganza!!  First, a yellow variant, (who knew) House Finch graced my feeder and actually came back twice for some millet.  I took his picture then ran upstairs to research what I'd captured!?!  I was really surprised and delighted.  Add another lifer to my list!

I went back out almost immediately and found that the birds were, as the day moved on, getting less and less cooperative.  There were the usual visitors; Red Winged Blackbirds, (mostly females), and Northern Cardinals, (two pair) and a Mourning Dove or three, but there were also Catbirds and quite a few Warblers in the bushes and trees that surround my feeder.

The avian population was in full force and even the fauna was out and about today.  I think it's because it wasn't very hot and the wind was blowing.  That seems to stir things up a bit here.  Regardless of the reason, there were squirrels and raccoons on the feeder today, in the daylight, eating and having a good old time!

Tomorrow I'm setting up my lighting equipment and I'll try to capture some in flight landings on the feeder.  Stay tuned!

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