Monday, April 5, 2021

Life Lesson

 Hello all!

Today was eventful because I got out of the house and went to Lowe's to purchase some plants.  These said plants are to be decorations in my ever growing nature preserve environment.  However, there was a bit of a situation...

There I was, strolling leisurely through the plant department in Lowe's, perusing the cacti and succulent area.  There were various varieties, along with some other ornamental plants, such as Crotons, Dracaena and the like.  The isles were tight and of course, there was a lady who HAD TO be in the same small isle I was in.  I used to leave an area like that, but lately I just stay there and figure, "she can leave if I'm too slow".  She didn't.  She followed.  As I turned the corner, of which I had no problem, she attempted the same "tricky" maneuver.  She failed.

Now, I'm going to stop here and digress.  

When you were a child, hopefully your parents taught you what I call "life filters"; ie: don't touch fire, don't eat yellow snow, don't pet a flaming dog, etc.  Now if you were me, you either didn't pay attention or just had more pressing matters to deal with when these lessons were spoken.  

That is why, today, this happened to me (now back to the story)...

The lady, who obviously failed her cart driving class, hit the wire shelf holding all the plants.  It made a rather loud noise.  I looked up at her and at the same moment, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, falling off the shelf.  Being old does not necessarily slow down some muscle reactions.  I reached out and rather easily caught the falling plant.  BAD MISTAKE!!!  It was a cactus!!  As it hit my hand, I said, rather loudly, "SHIT!".  The lady immediately apologized.  I said, "CACTUS"!  She said, "Ouch...and immediately left the area.  See picture 

So, your lesson for today, boys and girls is, "Don't catch a falling cactus!".  Note:  This will save you hours of trying to locate microscopic and/or invisible thorns.

You're welcome...

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, is God never going give you a break? You are going to live to at least 100 before you can rest.
