Viera, But Not Meredith!
This morning, upon awakening, I had found that my wonderful wife, who got up much earlier than I did, did some internet searching and found a destination where I could take pictures and at the same time, she could enjoy the view. "How about Melbourne's Viera Wetlands as a day trip", she asked? A flashback to two years ago; hundreds of pictures, thousands of birds. Oh yeah........our day was planned!! We're going to Viera!!!
We arrived in Melbourne at the Viera Wetlands, (known officially as "Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands at Viera), around 10:00am. The weather was absolutely perfect and as expected, the birds were everywhere. Within seconds upon entering the gates there were more birds than one could imagine and a photo opportunity in every direction. At a time like this a photographer has to make a decision; do you search for specific subjects and dedicate your time to finding them or do you just take as many pictures as possible and sort it out later? I opted for the latter.
It's been many years since I've been in the position of having a great shot in any direction I pointed the camera, so I was in my element! There were Tree Swallows, (Tachycineta bicolor), American Coots, (Fulica americana), Common Moorhens, (Gallinula chloropus), in abundance and we'd barely gotten into the preserve! I saw so many different birds that I truthfully lost count. All I do know is that I took a LOT of pictures!
When I got home I was truthfully astounded at the actual amount of pictures I really did take 951 pictures!!! After sorting out the duplicates, (I tend to hold the button down), and the 'bad ones', (which there weren't many, maybe 15), I had a nice round figure of 250 pictures to add to my bird photography collection.
All I have to say is that the Viera Wetlands is truly a must see for any serious birder! You will never be disappointed!
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