This morning the sky was a crisp blue, the wind had died down to a gentle breeze and the sun was shining brightly. I had such high hopes for a great birding photo shoot. I was wrong.

Oh sure, the birds were around, flying from branch to branch, chirping from the deep recesses of the copse and pretty much teasing me to let me know that they knew I was out there, but they must have gotten together late last night and decided that they didn't want their pictures taken this morning. It's a good thing that the squirrels of the neighborhood weren't invited to their meeting! And why would they? That's like inviting a cat to a dog park!

After putting out our usual mixture of seeds, peanuts and this morning an added bonus of peanut butter filled pretzels, I waited. A Blue Jay did a stop and go, grabbing a peanut never to be seen again. However, here came the squirrels. First one, (I suspect it was "Mom", as she looked like she'd just weaned a litter of pups), then another, (this one was smaller and he gave "Mom" a wide berth, going to the other feeder twenty feet to the north.
Since no birds were cooperating, I decided to take pictures of our little furry friends. It's so nice to have a family of squirrels in the copse that never bother the birds, wreck the feeders or eat all the food, (as they are purported to do). Ours are rather docile and let me get quite close before jumping to the safety of a nearby tree.
Some days you just have to take what nature gives you. Today it was squirrels. Tomorrow????
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