As I stood out back, watching the feeder in my usual state of anticipation, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a movement in the bushes to my right. There, posed on a small twig, recently cut by the maintenance workers here at the apartment, an anole. I almost didn't see him. He was brown; very, very brown. He tried to blend in with the twig, but in his overzealousness overshot the color and blended in more with the ground, which he was no where near, perched atop this twig. He didn't seem to mind, because on a leaf close by was the object of his attention; a Viceroy butterfly.
The butterfly seemed to be oblivious to the anole. First he flitted close, then quickly away, then back again, almost lighting on his head. I watched in anticipation wishing that the butterfly would just fly away. He was so beautiful! However, I then immediately felt sorry for the anole. He was probably hungry and needed to gnosh a bit.
This scenario went on for about an hour. Luckily for the butterfly another victim wandered into the lair of the anole and was quickly snatched and eaten. He then moved on. To him, this was just another day of hunting. To me, a wonderful lesson in patience. "Good things come to he who waits."
Or so they say...
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