Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Backyard Update

 Hello Quarantined Followers!

It seems that once again I've fallen into the "forget the blog" mode.  However I do have somewhat of an excuse.  Note:  The previous entry is from two weeks ago.  It seems that an update to BlogSpot glitched my publishing of it then, so I published it now.  

Now from today...

For the last couple of months I've been working on making my yard more bird friendly and closer to a natural habitat for any/all woodland creatures.  After quite a bit of hesitation, I've finished my ground feeder and put it out next to the snag.  No one, as of yet, has visited it, but I'm hopeful that someone will in the near future.  I've also planted more trees (two Azaleas and soon two Camellias, which will arrive next week).

I was quite happy to see two pair of Rose Breasted Grosbeaks visit my feeders in the past two weeks.  The males are not in full breeding plumage, however they are still a welcome site and are quite a stunning bird.  I think the female is currently much more beautiful, having their mottled black and brown feathers with a very faint reddish breastplate.

The Carolina wrens have come back and are very sparingly showing up, eating
a few mealworms, then leaving again.  My hope is that they nest nearby, as I enjoy their loud, raucous calls.

There are three Eurasion Collared Doves coming for some millet daily.  They are big and scare most all the other birds for a time, but eat quickly and then leave.

My Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are still here, though now there are only two.  The other four must have started their migration.  I will be sorry to see them go.

Note:  This blog is not set up nearly as neatly as I would like.  The update to BlogSpot has made this difficult.

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