Traveling in small groups, Blue Jays seem to be the 'town criers' of the neighborhood. Should anything be deemed a threat, the group will start a loud and very visual display, not only showing everyone where the perceived threat is, but at the same time they will try and eliminate it by harrassing it and making it move on to another location. Owls, snakes and even cats are no match for a determined group of Blue Jays. Many times Mockingbirds, (Mimus polyglottas) will join in on the cause, helping rid the neighborhood of the menace.
Regardless of the mood, the Blue Jay is a valued member of our woods. Something would be amiss, should all those calls, chortles, warbles and coos disappear. If you aren't privileged enough to have a Blue Jay or two at your feeders, simply add shelled or unshelled peanuts to your mix and it won't be long until you have a cacophony of sound in your backyard.
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