The Northern Mockingbird, (Mimicus Polyglottos) is the defender of the area near and around our feeder. We've nicknamed him "The Sentinel" because nothing will get past him when he's on his watch. During breeding season, (early February) he stands guard over his territory with a diligence that few can muster. If he's singing, all is well in the 1/2 acre wood. If not, you will see him flying from tree to tree sometimes displaying, (fanning his wings out in a fashion that draws attention to the bright white stripes and making him seem bigger than he really is), and other times, "mobbing", (flying after and diving towards his target), the unwelcome visitor until it leaves the area.
When "The Sentinel" is not on patrol he can be found hopping from branch to branch in the Queen Anne's Lace, (Daucus carota), searching for the succulent berries the plant produces. He can also be seen picking at the delicate flower, pulling off the unopened buds and eating them with surprising speed. He's also been known to grace our feeder from time to time for a raisin or a piece of shredded coconut. When on the feeder the other birds give him ample room. I suspect it's because they know that he'll only be staying long enough to grab what he wants and then he's off again to guard the neighborhood.
Regardless of his behavior, Florida's State bird is a beautiful creature who's song, in the spring, will amaze. For hours and hours on end he will sit atop the highest vantage point in the neighborhood and sing his melodic tune for all to hear. Being the birding world's greatest mimic, many of his sounds are directly stolen from his avian neighbors. The Northern Mockingbirds in our neighborhood seem to love mimicking the Northern Cardinal, The Gray Catbird, and also the many warblers that live in the area. They will even occasionally mimic a Blue Jay or even a Red Tailed Hawk.
We've come to know and love our Northern Mockingbirds. They let us know when spring has arrived by their glorious melodies. The song says it all...
"Listen to the Mockingbird...."
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